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Defend Your DUI2025-02-03T23:27:23+00:00

Canada’s Leading Network of Impaired Driving Lawyers

Canada’s Leading Network of Impaired Driving Lawyers

Schedule A Free Consultation

It’s not too late to fight an impaired driving charge.

You are facing serious consequences if you have received an impaired driving charge (often referred to as a DUI) in Canada. The team of lawyers you choose to represent you will be one of the most important decisions you make. Experience matters when selecting a lawyer.

Our team of criminal lawyers are 100% dedicated to providing a robust DUI defence for Impaired Driving, Over .80, Refusal, Immediate Roadside Sanctions (IRS), and Immediate Roadside Prohibition (IRP) charges and offences.

How Much Does A DUI Lawyer Cost
Understanding a 1st DUI Offence in Canada

Frequently asked questions.

Get answers to common questions asked by those charged with impaired driving in Canada.

What is the penalty for impaired driving?2023-06-26T19:31:27+00:00

The penalty for impaired driving takes into account a wide variety of factors.

However, depending on whether the Crown elects to proceed by indictment or summarily, the following penalties may apply:

  • Indictment
    • Impaired driving: Up to 10-years imprisonment;
    • Impaired driving causing bodily harm: Up to 14-years imprisonment;
    • Impaired driving causing death: Up to life imprisonment.
  • Summary
    • Impaired driving: Up to 2-years less a day imprisonment;
    • Impaired driving causing bodily harm: Up to 2-years less a day imprisonment


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DUI Defence Lawyers


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Impaired Driving

Driving Under the Influence (DUI) or Impaired Driving refers to operating a motor vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, drug, or any combination of the two that impairs a person’s ability to operate it safely.

80 mg and Over DUI

80mg and Over DUI refers to driving with a blood alcohol concentration (BAC) level exceeding 80 milligrams of alcohol per 100 millilitres of blood.

Failure to Comply with a Breath Demand DUI

Failure to comply with a breath demand refers to not blowing hard enough or blowing improperly into an alcohol breath testing device.

Refusal to Comply with a Breath Demand DUI

Refusal to comply with a breath demand refers to verbalizing an intention not to proceed with breath testing.

Refusal to Comply with a Demand for Blood or Urine DUI

Refusal to comply with a demand for blood or urine refers to verbalizing an intention not to allow the taking of either blood or urine.

Care or Control DUI

Care or control refers to a situation of being in physical control of a vehicle while impaired by alcohol or drug, even if the vehicle is not in motion.

Don’t let a DUI conviction ruin your life!

Don’t let a DUI conviction ruin your life!

Our lawyers know how to win cases and will help you fight the charge.

Schedule A Free Consultation

Team members

Justin Marchand
Justin Marchand
Impaired Driving Lawyer
Dylan Finlay
Dylan Finlay
Impaired Driving Lawyer
Lorant Kiss
Lorant Kiss
Impaired Driving Lawyer
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